영어 숫자표현
영어 숫자표현은 항상 헷갈린다. 영어가 아니더라도 원래 숫자에 약한 나. [단위] million, billion.trillion 603 six hundred three 9,874 nine thousand eight hundred seventy four [분수] 1/2 0ne half 3/4 three fourths 5/8 five eighths 7/12 seven twelfths [비율] 2:3 two to three 3:5 three to five [큰숫자] 1,000(천) one thousand 10,000(만) ten thousabnd 100,000 (십만) one hundred thousand 1,000,000 (백만) one million 10,000,000 (천만) ten m..