원어민이 가장 많이 쓰는 영어 질문
Can I~?-Can I get you anythingto drink? ( 뭐 마실 것 좀 드릴까요?) I'd like a warer/a coke, please. (물 좀 주세요/콜라)Thank you, That would be nice. -Can I have your name/number? (이름 좀 알려주시겠어요?/번호가 뭐예요?): Excuse me, I think I left my wallet here. Has anybody found it?-I'm afraid not(아니요 없습니다). Can I have you name and number?We'll contact you.-Thank you, My name is~~~~~~ 2. Do you have~? (있나요?)-Do you have a re..