Artist Rorang Story

영어공부 (100일 도전)

원어민이 가장 많이 쓰는 영어 질문

Rorang2 2024. 8. 12. 12:54


  1. Can I~?

-Can I get you anythingto drink? ( 뭐 마실 것 좀 드릴까요?)

I'd like a warer/a coke, please. (물 좀 주세요/콜라)

Thank you, That would be nice.


-Can I have your name/number? (이름 좀 알려주시겠어요?/번호가 뭐예요?)

: Excuse me, I think I left my wallet here. Has anybody found it?

-I'm afraid not(아니요 없습니다). Can I have you name and number?

We'll contact you.

-Thank you, My name is~~~~~~


2. Do you have~? (있나요?)

-Do you have a reservation?(예약하셨나요?)

Tes, I have a reservation.


Do you have a table next to the window?

DO you have a table for three?


A; Hello, How can I help you?

B; Do you have a table for two?

A : Sure. Please follow me. This is a table for two.

B : Thank you. but Do you have a table next to the window?

A : Of course. How is this?

B : Perfect. Thank you.


Do you have a small size?

DO you have this shirts in blue?


A : Excuse me? DO you have a medium?

B : Here you are.

A : I feel a little tight. DO you have a bigger one?

B : Let me double check.

Give me a second, I'll be right back.


3. How can I help you?


A : How can I help you?

B : I'll have a chicken burrito and iced americano.

A : That'll be 20 dollars.

( 가격을 얘기할 때 will을 사용한다)


4. Would you like? (정중한 표현 = Do you want)

-I'd like ~~~(대답)


오랜만에 다시 영어 공부를 합니다.

그동안 좀 바빴더니 공부에 좀 소홀해지네요.(이러면 안 되는데... ㅜㅜ)

오늘도 무더위가 지속되네요.

약간은 흐린 날씨지만, 아직은 햇빛이 너무 따가워요.

욜 여름 더위 조심하시고 건강하시길!